Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Leon (Year 4)

This character is named Conehead. He is a male, of course. He is 3 meters tall, very thin and has a very pointy head. His limbs stick out

at all directions, and you can see his ribs! His eyes are like red bouncy balls with only a little black dot in the middle and his nose is

sooooo long that you could easily spear a marshmallow on it! His rear end is as big as a beach ball! He has very short arms, but veeery

long legs! He also has quite big ears and is very very good at hearing!


  1. Super description, Leon! I could clearly picture your creature as I read.Well done!
    Mrs Maclean, Team 100WC

  2. Hi Leon,

    Some lovely description here. I love the way you've related his nose to marshmallows, and his eyes to bouncy balls - very detailed.

    Great writing,

    Mr Connor
    Team 100wc
